Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Commit to becoming a Verb

(Excerpts from Robin Sharma's Blog)

Commit to Becoming a Verb

From the comments I've received from readers and the media, one of the
chapters that has most resonated with readers is "Become a Rock Star at
Work". The piece challenges you to play at wow with your customers. To
innovate masterfully. To execute brilliantly.

On this theme, I encourage you to make a simple commitment that will
change the game. Become so good at what you do that you become a verb.

A friend of mine just replied to a book recommendation I sent him with:
"Thanks Robin, I'll amazon it today." Anyone in the corporate world knows
that if something absolutely needs to get to a place fast, you "FedEx" it.
And if you want some intel on something or someone, all you need to do is
google that something or someone.

What action step could you do today to step closer to becoming a verb in
your industry? Write it down. Think it out. And then, while others cling
to the beauty of their great ideas, be one of The Rare Ones with the
courage and passion to make the leap. And act.

Because the world needs more verbs. Like you.

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